2022: Fandom Year in Review

So this year was a ride due to moving. Let’s see what I actually did 🙂

Fanfics written/posted: 4
Fanfics started: More than 4 haha
Fandoms written in: 4
Number of fanfic words written: 134,636
Fanart completed: 2
Gifsets posted: 27

Most Popular Fic = Dancing on Broken Glass (with a whopping 44 more kudos than the next closest fic)

Most Popular Gifset = – How it started vs how it’s going (Star Trek: Picard, Seven/Raffi) – 340 notes, 34 more than the next highest which was also Trek 🙂

Most Popular Fanart = Winter Advent 22 (Amanda Tapping, Stargate and Sanctuary mixed media) – 59 notes, so a 54 note difference

Links and rambling on everything under the cut 🙂

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2021: Fandom Year in Review

I haven’t done one of these in years, mostly because I really didn’t do anything for a long time. I’m not finishing this year on a particularly strong note as I sort of spluttered and shuddered to a halt in October and haven’t managed to restart the old engine 🙁

Anyway here’s a detailed breakdown and some mini statistics.

Fanfics written/posted: 14
Fanfics started: 17
Fandoms written in: 3
Number of fanfic words written: 211,726 (including WIPs)
Fanart completed: 4 (or 5 if I count that sketch which I don’t really)
Gifsets posted: 32

Most Popular Fic = and the Brighter Side of Life (with a whopping 52 more kudos than the next closest fic)

Most Popular Gifset = Car Stealing Etiquette (Black Widow / Cap: Winter Soldier Parallel) – 672 notes, a whopping 488 more than the next highest, thanks Marvel 🙂

Most Popular Fanart = The Proposal Part Two (Warehouse 13, Bering and Wells exchange) – 51 notes, so a 42 note difference there.

Links and rambling on everything under the cut 🙂

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2018 Creative Year in Review

I haven’t done any fic status updates all year because I haven’t been writing. I quit doing regular summaries after April 2017 and have only done two since. However, it’s the end of the year and time for a little introspection 🙂

Previous years: 20162017

– Coming home to you (Fitzsimmons, Agents of Shield) (Drawing)
– Blind taste-testing at home on Valentines Day (Rumbelle, Once) (Drawing)
– Finn and BB-8 (Star Wars) (Drawing)

– The Wedding Job (Rumbelle, Once)

– Time (Agents of Shield)
– The Spy Who Dumped Me (Haylexis, Castle) (Photo-manip)

– Ghost of a Memory (Garcy, Timeless) (prompt fill)
– Taboo Love (Garcy, Timeless) (prompt fill)

– Monstrare, Monere (Warehouse 13)

– Start of Something (Garcy, Timeless)
– Friends in Time (Garcy, Timeless)
– Jedi Rumbelle (Rumbelle, Once) (Drawing)

Words Posted: 24,207
Stories posted: 7
Verses created (multiple fics, same verse): 1
WIPs finished: 0
WIPs still to complete: 1
Art (drawings/photo-manips): 5