So this year was a ride due to moving. Let’s see what I actually did 🙂
Fanfics written/posted: 4
Fanfics started: More than 4 haha
Fandoms written in: 4
Number of fanfic words written: 134,636
Fanart completed: 2
Gifsets posted: 27
Most Popular Fic = Dancing on Broken Glass (with a whopping 44 more kudos than the next closest fic)
Most Popular Gifset = – How it started vs how it’s going (Star Trek: Picard, Seven/Raffi) – 340 notes, 34 more than the next highest which was also Trek 🙂
Most Popular Fanart = Winter Advent 22 (Amanda Tapping, Stargate and Sanctuary mixed media) – 59 notes, so a 54 note difference
Links and rambling on everything under the cut 🙂
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