So I finally finished watching Star Trek: Prodigy last weekend. Don’t worry I binged it on Netflix the day it dropped (I just didn’t watch it as it streamed). I wanted to savour it because it might be all we get and that is damn sad.
Anyway! As good as Star Trek: Prodigy was (seriously watch it, you won’t regret it) this ramble is only tangentially related to it.
Right or wrong nostalgia is riding high in media right now. Some hits, some awful misses. We also need new stuff and shouldn’t just recycle existing IPs but that’s a whole other post. To keep it zoomed out, I think there is an element of human nature that likes more stories in worlds we already love. I’ve seen posts explaining why people love fanfic vs. reading new original novels for this reason. They already love the characters, they are invested. There is a warmth and certainty to it. When this is done in media it can go horribly wrong. If something is revisited and done badly there is like a taint… I’m getting off topic.
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