I love achievements, that’s pretty much why I play the game or at least what I spent most of my playtime working towards. I wrote in another post a long time ago, when blizz first brought out account wide achievements, that I thought they’d missed out on including some. Well it’s not just account wide achievements that are missing, there are other achievements that I think they could have added.
Blizz said in a blue post somewhere that they didn’t want to add achievements for the sake of having them, that they wanted achievements to mean something. Considering some of the achievements that are in game I’ll take that statement with a pinch of salt, or at least assume that we aren’t on the same page about what ‘means something’. Then again I love achievements, and I suppose they make the system for people that don’t care for them too.
Anyway, this is just a list of achievements that I think should be in game and that aren’t. Let me know if I’ve missed any.