


tumblr mobile won’t let me upload a voice recording, so I guess you’re all spared hearing about my thoughts that people (some of them at least) aren’t actually desperate for comments. What they’re actually missing is community

screw it. I put it up on drive. I’ll try to figure out tomorrow if it actually makes sense or not- and I’ll transcribe it if no one else beats me to it




It’s not about comments, it’s about community. I’m lying here at 1:36 in the morning and I can’t sleep and that keeps going around and around in my head. It’s not comments, it’s community. I dunno if this is an epiphany or I’m an insomniac and I’m not making any sense. 

But I’ve been running this blog for three and a half years now and seeing the things that spark joy in authors, and seeing the insecurities, and seeing people saying, “I need comments, I want comments, I have to have comments, if I don’t have comments then I just feel like I need to give up” – and I try and understand as best as I can but I don’t think I actually get there. And I think the reason why that is, is because I’ve always had some form of community.

When I joined my last fandom, I knew a couple of people who were interested in it on tumblr, but I threw my first fic out there not knowing what I’d get. The fandom was still small at the time, and…the show was on hiatus, and there wasn’t a lot of fic going on AO3, and so…when I put my fic out there, I actually got a response and it was pretty cool. And because I got online in the 90’s, when people commented to me, I commented back in a conversational tone, and because the fandom was full of people of a similar age to me
– who also got on the internet in the 90’s – they also responded in a conversational tone. And next thing you know, we’re making friends, we’re following each other on tumblr, we’re having a grand ol’ time.

And so…for me, when I go into a stats spiral, it’s more about comparing myself against myself, and “why am I not doing better with this story than this other story”, and “why do people like that story? That was just a joke. This one that’s serious, nobody is paying attention to and why is that”? But it’s not so much about people and the comments or the lack of comments, it’s more about me and, you know, trying to understand my own writing and you know, what works and what doesn’t and relying on other people won’t tell me that and I know that.

And then I remembered the one time when I actually was upset that I didn’t get comments. And it was…I had organized this fandom event type of thing – not really an event – I was doing this thing, and anyone who wanted to participate or support me or encourage me was welcome to do so. I wanted to do a thing. I did…I, um, called it a ficathon, it was a March Madness kind of thing, where 64 prompts went in, and 1 prompt came out. And I was writing 64 fics at the same time and people were voting on them and it was great. And when we got to the final fic, and I wrote it and posted it on AO3, after – I dunno, a month? – of fanfare – I was getting 50 votes a day on these things, so like people were reading. I didn’t get comments. I barely had hits or kudos and it was a huge let down. And it wasn’t about the comments, even though I remember I wrote some kind of post and put it on tumblr that I was upset and whatever, and I remember writing about comments and kudos and hits.

But that wasn’t why I was upset. I was upset because I had created a thing for my community and it felt like my community ignored it. It wasn’t the case and everything was fine, and you know, I had posted it on a Tuesday afternoon or something stupid and nobody saw it. It was, you know. I…probably overreacted, I dunno. But that was how I was feeling at the time. It was an intense disappointment for me.

But it wasn’t about the numbers, it was about the relationship and the community.

And when I read some of the asks that I get or the tags on posts – oh my god, the tags on posts – when I see these things so often, it feels like what people want isn’t a comment, it’s a connection. They want people to talk to about their writing. They want people to talk to about stories or about the canon, the characters they love, they want to have a conversation. And for whatever reason, the way social media is set up, we expect that conversation to happen in a certain way or we don’t realize it can happen in a different way, and…I dunno. AO3 isn’t even social media. But it looks like it in a lot of ways. And so I think…I dunno, people look for community in their comment section. And it’s hard to build a community there. 

If you have friends on tumblr, or twitter, or discord, or wherever else, if you have relationships with people outside of your fic, at least for me, the comments are less necessary but also, the comments come because – I mean, god knows, I was not the best writer in my fandom by a long stretch – but I knew a lot of people. And I liked them and they liked me, and I think that really helped make people want to read my stories. Because again, it’s that community piece. I’m looking for connections with them and they’re looking for connections too. And if they know me as a person, and they see a story with my name on it, they might think, “Oh, I really like Pi! I’m going to click in and see what her story’s about.”

And so, it’s…it comes down to community. Like am I crazy here? Am I wrong? I mean, obviously this isn’t the case for everybody, not everyone is looking for this community, but…yeah. That’s…just…it feels like it comes down to that. For me. That’s the piece that’s missing. That’s the piece that people crave, the thing they’re looking for. It’s not about the comments, it’s not about the numbers, it’s about connections and relationships. And that’s the part that’s missing.

You aren’t crazy.

Writing is a lonely gig, or art, creating in general really. It’s hours of unseen effort that is consumed in a relative instant.

We put ourselves into what we create. By that what I’m meaning is all that time and effort, we put a portion of our lives into it. What I make matters to me a) because I care about the subject material but also b) because I cared enough to spend all that time on this story/art/whatever.

I said in my last comment regarding rarepairs and comments/kudos that it can feel a bit like screaming into the void sometimes. I said basically (TLDR) that I enjoyed writing those stories, drawing that art etc. so everything else is like the icing on the cake.

But that screaming into the void feeling does bite. It’s lonely. I know I can be a bit overly enthusiastic/too much and can probably wear out even the biggest of fans. But still I would love to have someone to bounce off. I was in a bigger fandom once (Rumbelle) and my fondest memories of that was the conversations I had on occasion with other fans. We’d dissect something that happened, or we’d have this long reblog chain swapping fic ideas back and forth. It didn’t happen often, like maybe a handful of times in a couple of years.

(I mean it wasn’t all good. I have terrible social anxiety even on the internet and so a lot of the interaction ended with me going round and round in my head for hours, about how dumb I was and how everyone wished I would shut up and go away. Community can be a double edged sword.)

But when it was good, it was really good. I miss the enthusiasm of other fans. I miss being able to talk to someone about what I love and get a response (rambling essentially to myself isn’t the same). Kudos and comments are cool but I’m not looking for compliments. Don’t get me wrong it’s nice but yeah I miss the shared enthusing over the ship and show.

I have tried a bit for my current obsession (the rare OT3). There’s a gen discord for the show. But as previously mentioned I can be a bit “full on” which is likely off-putting. So community not so successful for me. Means I totally get what you are saying though, as it would be nice.

I am absolutely living for the comments I’m getting on this gifset I made a few weeks ago. I don’t know how it’s going round but I’m loving it.

I wish tumblr had a way for me to unobtrusively go “I see that and you are sweet and afdksjfs” because <— it me right now.

The comments aren’t even aimed at me, it’s flailing over the angst (because that ship is made of pain) and it’s still making my day. Something I made is having an impact on people, even for just a few seconds.

Most of tumblrs updates are not improvements but adding tags to the activity window was amazing *chefs kiss* (not that I didn’t click on each reblog and check manually anyway because ahem of course I did).

Opened my email and had 10 unread in the last half hour. They are all from fanfic.net

Somebody just favourited a bunch of stories I wrote what 16 years ago, 17? Half a lifetime.

I guess it’s true what they say. A story can always be new to someone.

Got my Bering and Wells giftee assignment whoo 🙂

So I’m now busy ripping every Bering and Wells episode to my HD in case I want to make gifs. I mean it’s not wasted no matter what as gifs are a given at some point. In fact knowing me I might do some AU crossover ones at some point just for fun (HG Wells really should meet Helen Magnus, I’m just saying) but I digress.

To be honest I haven’t decided what medium I want to do. I think it’ll depend on what my giftee has in mind. When I did this exchange last year I didn’t really get any direction so I drew a Pirates!AU. But if there’s a more specific prompt then I’ll have to see in what direction I’m inspired.

It really is a beautiful day to remember how much I love Bering and Wells hehe.

anonymous  asked:

A Twist in the Story: You’re not a writer but an artist in this event! And you made a cover art and a comic-like piece! I thought it’s the first time we see your art in comic book style (is it?). Why did you choose this style? 🙂

WIP Wednesday

Is this still a thing? Idk.

For me I feel like this has devolved into me rambling and talking about doing things a lot, but then never actually doing them, and then just giving lots of excuses as to why. That’s not what I want this to be but that’s where I’m at right now. So acknowledgement, this is the bad place, it is what it is and I’m sorry.

Moving on!

I read a really cool article today – Three Simple rules for writing good to-do tasks – and I looked at my to-do list, and then at the list of ‘bad examples’ and did a massive /facepalm because yes this is what my list looked like.

To be succinct I was writing tasks as like ‘write AMR fic’ which should be a project because that has sooooo many micro-tasks in it, like plan the fic, draft it, edit it, and that doesn’t even take into account how long it takes because writing will be multiple sessions.

I’m a Pavlov person, I like ticking things off lists, I like the whoosh of a ‘level up’, it’s little wonder I get addicted to games like Warcraft where you can systematically get that hit with a ding on a frequent basis.

So my to do list might be helping me not forget stuff but it’s not helping me actually do it. I mean I look at the list and just ignore it. So I know, I know, it’s like yet another ‘productivity system’ idea which will probably do absolutely nothing to motivate my lazy ass but hey, anything is worth a try right? It might help, it might not, but I won’t know unless I give it a go and here’s the kicker – I need something to change. I’m not achieving anything right now, I’m not writing, I’m not drawing, I’m not reading (*cries* there’s so much fic I want to read), I’m struggling to even do the basics of living like feeding myself.

Ok so on the new and improved written list I have this months drawing project, a secret Rumbelle thing 🙂 🙂 and this months AMR prompt “don’t fall in love” for which I have a couple of notes on my phone, some swirling ideas in my brain and nothing else.

I have 11 days according to my deadline on the to-do app. Let’s see if I can actually manage it this time *rolls eyes at self*

anonymous  asked:

Hi! Thank you for being brave and making a post about fic art again! You’re kind 🙂 How about you? Do you prefer a surprise gift if someone make a fanart for your fic? Is there any of your fic that you want someone to make an art for? 😉

Hey anon!

Always happy to help if I can, so no worries 🙂 I’m sorry that more people haven’t responded for you :/

Wow erm honestly I think I’d be moved to tears if anybody made me anything. It wouldn’t matter what it was, the fact that they thought to do it at all would just be incredibly touching. So I wouldn’t say that I prefer a surprise gift, what I would prefer is for the person to do whatever they were comfortable with. Honestly just the knowledge that somebody was inspired and cared enough. I would be very touched and honoured.

As for a specific fic? Obviously I have some fics that are closer to my heart than others but … actually you know what I will name something. I was just going to say “should anybody wish to make something, to do what it is in their heart to do” however I have scoured people’s blogs for their answers to this question before. I’ve wanted to make them something that they really wanted and so while I do 110% believe that people should make what they are inspired to make, I do understand the desire to know what a person likes.

So I’m going to go with In Your Arms because they are just so soft and sweet, from the start of the fic where they sit in the coffee shop of the library and hold hands, to holding one another under plastic stars in a faux blanket fort, to the blinding kiss in the same coffee shop library. Even just them walking along the street, they link arms and it’s like a modern day spinner!Rum and it’s just all so soft and sweet. That verse is probably my second favourite out of everything I’ve written, I don’t know if it’s wrong to say the world I conjured captured me from the moment I started but it did /shrug.

anonymous  asked:

I really REALLY hope you to submit the post, which you asked if fic writers want to be asked before someone gifts them a fan art, again with ‘rumbelle’, ‘rumbelle fic’ & ‘rumbelle art’ tags! Because I’d like to know the opinions of writers too! 😉

Hey anon *waves*

I was a complete coward about that post wasn’t I? Heh. I am very touched that you messaged, I’m not sure it’s cool to admit this but whenever I get an anon message or a comment from someone I don’t know it makes my day, as I feel like I don’t know, I did something right? I’m not making sense but just thank you for the ask! 🙂

I was going to say “ask and you shall receive” but I’m on mobile and tumblr is being a complete bum this morning so I’ll do it when I get home tonight or I’ll just log the PC and do it before I head to uni *rolls eyes at self* 🙂 there were a few responses from some very lovely people but it wouldn’t hurt to open it up for more comments.

I would say though anon that if you want to hear from someone in particular then shoot them a message. Everyone is different and for example say the average response is “surprise is good” well the person you are thinking of might be completely different. I’m not saying conversation about the topic is pointless (I wouldn’t have made the post initially if I thought that), it’s just you can never be sure about people unless you hear it direct.

I hope you have a great day anon!

jackabelle73 reblogged your post and added: “WIP Wednesday”

OMG, you articulated my feelings exactly!! Can’t work on Fic A b/c it’s too precious to risk me screwing it up, but also can’t work on Fic B b/c of guilt over not completing Fic A. It’s an effin’ vicious circle.

Do you ever feel like you’re letting down your fave character or OTP, if you don’t do their story justice?

I’ll say to you, what you said to me… you’re not alone in this. I feel the same things you described in this post, and I bet others do too.

You’ve probably seen that post about the pottery class, where the students who went for quantity over quality ended up producing the best quality pots anyway, b/c they were actually doing the thing, instead of making endless plans to do it.

You and I, my friend, need to do the thing. I will if you will. Last one to post an update is a rotten egg!!

*throws down gauntlet*

Oh man, “last one is a rotten egg” I haven’t heard that in years hehe. Yes it is definitely an expression over here 🙂

*hugs you* I have seen that post about the pots! I know, I know, it’s like intellectually I know it but then my heart/my subconscious just doesn’t pay attention /facepalm

I am terrible at following my own advice, I am always repeating the advice about the pots, and saying just do the thing, and then do I do the thing? We definitely do need to do the thing! Listen to Belle’s advice perhaps and “do the brave thing” 🙂