Honestly I’m like a kid on Christmas 🙂 I’ve accomplished nothing for a good chunk of the afternoon because I was waiting for the site to come back up.
Anyway, I’ve now created my project. It’s a bit light on details at the moment but it is only October 1st. I’m going to have to go eat dinner in a bit but I will continue writing Painting Layers of Love when I get back. The 150 words I managed between hitting F5 on the NaNo site, is not exactly going to cut it haha.
If anyone wants to add me as a buddy, here’s my profile.
Eeeek so excited. I just want to write ‘all the things’!
beliza-fryler said:
I want to do Nano this year, but I need a plot. 🙁
No Plot? No Problem!
That’s Chris Baty’s book about NaNo, and I couldn’t resist the reference sorry 🙂 Erm, yeah no I totally get it. I’m very much a planner, so there’s no way I could do NaNo either if I didn’t know what I was writing.
Ok, how about some questions. Like do you want to write an original novel or fanfic? If it’s original then I don’t know, what genre do you fancy? Genre is always a good place to start. If it’s fanfic, erm there’s that prompt tumblr which might spark something.
You know, this is actually a really good excuse to go rewatch/reread all your favorite shows/books, to get in the mood for whatever kind of writing you feel like doing – just call it research 🙂
emospritelet Said:
I’m thinking about doing it….
I see this on my dash every year, but have no idea how it actually works. Someone explain NaNo to this uneducated potato, please? 🙂
I hadn’t a clue either, but there are tons of FAQs on the website. The aim is to write 50k words over the month 🙂
Ok *rubs hands together*
The stated aim of NaNo is to “write a book in a month” or “50k in a month” but blah that isn’t what it’s really about. That is what you do, that isn’t what it is.
NaNo is about pushing yourself further than you could get on your own. It doesn’t matter whether you write 50k, a complete novel, 10k, 100k or whatever. The important thing is the taking part. My biggest regret isn’t the two years I didn’t make 50k, it’s the year I didn’t sign up at all.
It’s about setting a personal challenge, and like I said it doesn’t matter what that is, and smashing old records (whatever they are) and just generally going for it! It’s about stretch goals, reaching for the stars. Maybe you get it, maybe you don’t, but at the end of the day you’re going to have more than you would otherwise. It’s just about trying your best.
So yeah, that’s what NaNo is. It’s magic.
Checked out the FAQs, thanks. 🙂 50k Sounds doable … if one had an idea. xD Would mean no fic updates and probably no RSS though.
Do you have an idea already?
A lot of people use their current fan fiction as their NaNo project as encouragement to finish it. Doing NaNo does not mean putting aside fanfic, unless you chose to do so in favor of working on something strictly original.
You can do that, use something that’s already half-written? I didn’t know that. Well, it could be helpful to have a further incentive to finish a WIP, but original project sounds good too. Mhm, need to sleep on this.
Yes, you can. I know several fanfic writers who have done that. NaNo is more about the process of writing and putting the time into producing something, as well as the encouragement you get from others. What you choose to write doesn’t matter.
I tanked last year but I’m doing it again this year. I have a private Tumblr group for support if you are interested, just PM me!
@teacupsroses is right 🙂
I mean I think the NaNo FAQ says “give yourself the gift of a clean slate” as sometimes if a project is part-done, then it’s hard to have the oomph to finish it in the timeframe. However, equally NaNo can kickstart projects and finally get them completed. I think it’s a YMMV situation.
So yeah do fanfic, do original, continue a project, start a new one – do everything! The choice is yours 🙂