It is 2017 but apparently the new banners aren’t in yet. The site has relaunched though and I’m too impatient to wait.
Yes it is that time of year. April is Camp NaNo. For anyone that doesn’t know Camp NaNo is different from regular November NaNo in two crucial ways:
You can set your own word count goal
They have these things called cabins
It is because of these cabins that I am making this post. Every camp session I run a cabin, they are for 12 writers and they have like a messageboard thing allowing communication on the NaNo site. I’ve always found it’s easier to write knowing I’m among friends, rather than sitting alone banging my head against the keyboard. I’ve been doing Camp NaNo for years and it always sucks if the cabin is a ghost town so in my cabin:
I post daily facts everyday for inspiration purposes
I post a daily word count challenge
Time zones permitting I run word sprints
Generally I’ve found that so long as somebody’s talking, then the cabin picks up in activity anyway. Right so why am I putting this in the Rumbelle tag? Because I think it would be really cool if it was a Rumbelle cabin. Got a fanfic you want to finish? Taking part in @maydaymenagerie? Just wanting a boost in the writing stakes? I said to my anon yesterday that everyone should have a writing cheerleader and I think we can be that for one another.
If you would like to join then sign up and/or create a project on the Camp NaNo site. Then reply/reblog/message me with your NaNo username and I will send you a cabin invite. Any questions or anything let me know 🙂
I think I’ll do this, since studies are over this year 🙂
I’ve been toying with this but my muse is dead and I have no big projects to work on right now. 🙁
It’s not for another month. Besides, you don’t have to work on a big single project – I’m not. Camp NaNo is a lot more relaxed than regular NaNo, it’s not even rebelling to work on lots of projects at once. I’ll be counting all the words I write during April, so long as it’s fiction it’ll get added to the total. My project as it were will be to finish as many things as I can manage.
Camp NaNo actually has sections for scripts, revision, short stories etc. November NaNo is kinda billed at “writing a novel” in a month, but Camp is more about just making progress on things, and getting stuff done in a supportive and friendly environment. Plus you can set your own word count goal and you can change that goal as many times as you like up until the 20th of April. I just experimented and it accepted 1000 words as a goal. So there’s no real barrier to joining in the fun 🙂
We now have 5/12 spots in the cabin filled and it’s only March 2nd. April is off to a good start already 🙂
Just saw someone asking about Camp NaNo so I thought this might be a good time for a reblog, we’re nearly at the middle of the month anyway. We still have 3 spaces left in the cabin if anyone else wants to join us 🙂