purlturtle asked:

7 and 17 for the fandom ask game, for your choice of Myka Bering, Helena Wells, or both!

7) Is there a piece of clothing you think Myka is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?

I like their Warehouse 2 outfit (combats and t-shirt). It’s a good middle ground between more professional attire (often a t-shirt but tailored slacks) and the mission leather from episode 3 was it? The one with the guillotine. Anyway the combats and t-shirt look comfortable and are practical.

I suppose this is why I like it for them. But I do also think Myka would like it. I think she likes her more ‘traditional’ federal agent outfit as kind of armor? Like she puts it on and she’s at work. The more casual mission outfit doesn’t have that but then the Warehouse is more of a family/place to call home than just a job. I think it fits her personality. Like maybe a callback to some awkward teenage years kind of comfort. I think Myka has grown more comfortable with her femininity as she has got older but I think she still likes to be judged as a person, not on her looks. I don’t know if that makes sense?

17) What’s a book, movie, or show you think Myka would like?

Myka is obviously all about the books. I mean it’s pretty canon that she likes the classics but I also feel like she likes to read widely so she’ll hit up the bestseller lists etc.

That’s a pretty boring answer though. I don’t think she gets a lot of time to watch TV/movies because what time she has, she would usually choose to read a book. However she has to have at least one ‘guilty pleasure’ show. Given that she knew Pete’s redshirt reference and her age, and also the awkwardness I headcanon for her teenage years. I feel like Star Trek is something she wouldn’t admit to watching, but would find comfort in. Like before the warehouse, it was a world that imagined a future where being different was ok. So I guess in some ways why I like Trek 😛

7) Is there a piece of clothing you think Helena is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?

I think Helena would appreciate a lot of ‘modern fashion’ because of how free it is in comparison to the 19th century. She wore trousers back then but not all the time. I feel like she would like to deliberately do the different thing now. Like wear a suit to a fancy party rather than a dress (you can see this if you look up Hustle photos btw, Jaime wore a tux once and a suit a couple of times). But obviously Helena is very comfortable with her feminine wiles and more than happy to make them work for her, so there tends to be a subtle sexuality to all her outfits it feels.

Anyway I think her favourite might be the painted on jeans, and loose cotton shirt, as she has worn variations of that quite a lot.

17) What’s a book, movie, or show you think Helena would like?

I feel like Helena isn’t much of a media fan. I just can’t see her sitting still long enough to really get into anything. She likes to do. Attention span is short unless she is hyper focused on an invention/case. I think she would definitely want to watch the big cultural heavy hitters – like Star Wars movies and the like. And I think she would be impressed by the special effects. I can see her wanting to have a go herself and maybe making a short 5 minute film or something. (Also maybe she would want to make a lightsaber, and Claudia is definitely not helping).

purlturtle asked:

let’s go with a crack fic for the “makes sense/compels me” ask:

Helen Magnus and Helena Wells!

Ooooh 👀

They are so similar. Both ‘out of time’ (eventually, although HG didn’t experience the decades the same way). Both lost a daughter (again eventually). Both born into an era where they were radicals for being so strong and independent. Both scientists, incredibly intelligent and deadly. They also both have their causes in a way, although this is where they differ too.

I think I have said about HG somewhere in that she was without peer. Constantly searching for somebody who could match her and forever being disappointed. Elementary is where I got my understanding of Holmes from and it fits HG – loneliness due to her genius. Needing to have so much going on at the same time or she’d go mad from boredom (which only makes the bronzer worse 😭).

Whereas Helen I think maybe started off wanting to prove herself. She fought for recognition (the Royal College, Oxford, and of course her father). Now that need faded as she grew and she found her calling to protect and help abnormals. The mission – Sanctuary for all – mattered far more than any personal needs.

Aaaaand I think I am just supposed to say the answer and not ramble 😛 but what can I say I like thinking it through.

I have always felt the person most akin to HG in Sanctuary world is Nikola. They have the same sort of charm and ego. A lot of people ship Helen and Nikola but I don’t. I’m not anti, I just prefer them as friends. That’s what feels right to me. So maybe it’s that which influences me to say no to Helen and HG as a pairing. I think they would be kindred spirits, and should be friends, but nothing really more than that.

So I am going to go with…

Makes sense, doesn’t compel me

Because while I can’t see any kind of love romance, I could see more of a friends with benefits. The snark and flirting and HG being a whirlwind in and out and Helen happy to see her when she was in town. I wouldn’t ship it. I don’t feel any connection to that as a dynamic but it’s plausible.

It’s a day ending in Y and so I am having Helen Magnus and HG Wells feels.

Just looked at that scene in the episode Stand where HG sacrifices herself and the Warehouse blows up. Flashes me back to Old City Sanctuary blowing up and that agent dude going “hell of an exit” because yes our badass Victorian ladies out of time do that thing haha.

Oh man I love them.

Ahhhhhh I did not see that coming

I’ve been looking for an appropriate gif but I can’t find one. It’s a long the lines of “oh no you didn’t” and “I tip my hat to you, that was well played, you won this round” and a big dollop of “I wanna know WHY”

Anyway I’m sorry I’ll stop this pseudo-liveblog, I’m just *jaw drop* agog at how awesomely amazing HG Wells is.

Is it wrong that I love her even more now she’s confirmed she’s a grey maybe-villain/definitely on her own side/can’t exactly be trusted but damn she’s good kind of person?

I love characters who have their own agendas and do things that make me scream GAH NO even though we then have to go through the whole “I knew she couldn’t be trusted” “I can’t trust her” thing all over again.

Fascinating. Tell me more.

Oh Merlin she’s now dressed like Lara Croft.

I checked, this is what fashionable British archaeologists are wearing these days.”

No it’s what American filmmakers think they are wearing.”

Oh. It’s very comfy”

Did I mention that I love her? Because I love her.

With her “dead languages are a hobby” and how my heart breaks for her Cristina 🙁 brilliant, badass and beautiful.