It’s NaNoWriMo time!
My project this year is fanfic. That’s weird for me because I usually try and write an original novel. However, I’ve written next to nothing all year. Original just feels too serious and scary right now. I figured if I’m going to...

It’s NaNoWriMo time!

My project this year is fanfic. That’s weird for me because I usually try and write an original novel. However, I’ve written next to nothing all year. Original just feels too serious and scary right now. I figured if I’m going to stand any chance of writing then it’ll be on something fun.

It’s a Sanctuary fanfic (my current obsession). As you can tell from the cover it’s going to mainly feature The Five. Is it shippy? Maybe a little hehe 🙂 What can I say I want my OT3 to be happy.


An infection, created by the evil Cabal, is sweeping through the abnormal community. Doctor Helen Magnus theorises that a cure/vaccine can be made from the source blood that gave The Five their abilities. Her father, Doctor Gregory Magnus, took the remainder of the vial away to secure it saying that only The Five working together would be able to retrieve it.

James Watson and John Druitt join Helen at the Sanctuary but Nigel died years ago and nobody has heard from Tesla since John put his fist through his chest – literally. However, before they can leave for the ruined city of Bhalasaam (where the blood is hidden) Tesla appears at the sanctuary. He confesses that they aren’t going to find the source blood where Gregory Magnus hid it … because he’s already retrieved it but the problem is he doesn’t have it anymore. Where is it? Praxis.

For anyone familiar with the show it’s mostly an AU branching from the season 1 finale. I’ve not seen past episode 3×15 yet so I may contradict any canon that is revealed after that point. Not that it matters as I haven’t decided whether to post it or not yet. This is mainly for me. Let’s hope it’s as fun as I hope 🙂