I don’t know if I should find this as funny as I do.
I just got an email asking me to check my personal details on the uni’s online portal system. So I did and I scrolled down to medical conditions and it was a three column table.
General condition – Specifics – End date
That’s why I’m sitting here sniggering because end date on those conditions? Oh yeah I super wish. I’ll just stop having them on that date hehe.
I mean how stupid. If it was like a broken leg or something then record it and estimated date of recovery I guess, as such a thing could have an impact on studying, but for lifelong conditions just putting the end date of the course? I mean blank would be better.
I’m about halfway through writing my final essay and I’m running out of things to say…
seriously how on earth am I supposed to double the length?
I suppose I could always take Sara up on her suggestion and try to tell them Thanos vanished the other half 🙂 (a day later and I still find that funny hehe)
You know I swear if I actually stick with my degree then it will be entirely down to The Librarians. Starting from next year we’re forced to take 2 pre-1789 modules and previously I wasn’t sure what to pick. Definitely in reference to the Shakespeare module this was my reaction…
But thanks to The Librarians I’m feeling loads more positive about Shakespeare these days. They are so enthusiastic about him, that it makes me interested despite myself.
and I’m writing an essay on Preludes by T.S. Eliot right now and what’s cheering me up is picturing Jacob Stone being his usual self with his absolute love of literature and art, and remembering him debating T.S. Eliot in the Image of Image episode. True it was only a reference but it’s enough of a touchstone to make me actually write this essay (I take the victories where I can find them).
So in conclusion, yes I’m procrastinating ooops, but also I don’t know I just feel like this is important. It’s stuff like this that makes me mourn The Librarians cancellation even more because I think the world needs to see a love of learning on screen (I certainly do!). I can’t help but smile every time Flynn goes “I do not know and isn’t that great!” because while he likes having the answers, he loves learning new things even more.
Shutting up now (I really should finish this essay) but yeah just watch The Librarians. There’s only 42 episodes and I’m not claiming it’s perfect but it’s made of happy and thoroughly enjoyable as well as being a good influence on me study-wise.
I’m really starting to get sick of being marked down for formatting.
I will format any way they want – but they need to tell me what it is first!
Seriously I am not a mind reader. Taking marks off for not doing it the way they exactly like it, when they have never previously said what that is, that is just impossible and unfair.
It feels like attempting to jump through invisible hoops, or that the goal posts keep shifting unexpectedly. There is zero consistency even within the faculty and it is driving me mad.
I did a foundation year pre-degree because they weren’t certain I could hack it at degree level without some preparation. I hadn’t done English at A level (and that was too long ago to count anyway). They said it would “put me on par with my fellow students” etc.
So I paid attention. I already knew how to write an essay but I dutifully made sure to use their designated referencing style, and I formatted it how they liked etc. Not all my essays were good, some were, but a couple did bomb a little as I missed the point of the question BUT the mechanics were solid.
Reference style – changed.
Formatting – changed.
^^ this I could deal with without the minor tantrum BUT they are also completely different forms of essay. Last year we did research ones. This year I was panicking like crazy because I couldn’t work out what I was supposed to research only to learn it’s textual analysis – reference the text itself and no research required outside of it – aka totally different methodology and not anything I have ever done before.
They said I had to do a foundation as otherwise it would be like throwing me in at the deep end.
I’m thinking they just wanted another 9 thousand pounds out of me. As if they cared at all about throwing us in at the deep end, they would have covered these utterly different essay structures last year.
Not happy! Gah!
#genuinely pissed off to be honest#I mean with the amount of student loan debt I’m carrying an extra year really makes no difference but still I feel scammed#they should have covered this last year as otherwise what was the point in last year? please somebody tell me
Can somebody please explain why a sentence which lasts almost an entire page (25 lines) and uses 11 semi-colons (and 2 colons) is something we have to study because it’s so good?
Honestly it doesn’t make one lick of sense.
I wish that was the point of it but I have a sneaking suspicion that it’s just written in academic. Seriously there is a reason sentences are a thing – in this case I’d say it would help break the point into understandable chunks as each sentence would have to make the point and then stop, rather than just meandering on for forever. As it is I’ve read this five times now and I’m still no closer to understanding it.