I really wish you could make a companion dream team in Swtor. Obviously it would (should) change based on the character. I have my personal favourites though.
T7-01 because you can never go wrong with an R2-D2 styled droid.
Kira Carsen for the Jedi aesthetic (she wields two green lightsabers like Ahsoka)
Bowdaar because wookie (Chewie’s loyalty just predisposes me)
Mako for her tech skills, her light teasing nature, I just think she is cool.
Risha because of all the charm and sarcasm and flirting. She’s smart and sneaky, what’s not to like?
Fortunately I think there’s always been one companion that I could tolerate on each of the classes, though it sucked if the first companion was annoying as they tend to stick around for a while.
Ahh I’m getting nostalgic now. Smuggler is the last class story that I have to play through and then I will have done them all. I have already decided to replay Bounty Hunter as I began that back in 2011 so it’s a distant memory. All the thinking about it though is tempting me to replay Jedi Knight and Imperial Agent.
I remember when I did the Imperial Agent I googled for the correct responses because there are several outcomes for the story and I wanted to be sure I got the one I wanted – independent secret agent. Not that it probably matters in the long run but it’s still cool.
Anyway my smuggler is on Tattooine so…