I watched Ocean’s 8 again last night for like the … I don’t even know at this point, I just watched it again and not for the first time it struck me that there is absolutely no explanation (bar one) for Lou to leave the gala like this:

Originally posted by campwolfes

to then change into posh party clothes to meet Debbie, seeing as Lou wasn’t part of the group that left the gala smuggling the diamonds. Lou left by motorcycle (exhibit A above), she didn’t need to dress up at all, except she did because exhibit B here:

Originally posted by all-about-cate

to meet Debbie who was obviously dressed-up in the gala clothes. Debbie was across the street at this point when Lou tugs at her very low-cut top, which definitely draws the eye *cough*

Originally posted by forcewakens

So conclusion? The only explanation is that they needed to be dressed like they were going to the same place for some post-heist celebrating. After all

“Is this a proposal?”
“Baby I don’t have a diamond yet”

except now she did! Debbie didn’t have her part of the necklace as she’d planted it on Claude Becker but Lou had ALL the actual loot which they’d nicked from the display. So many diamonds. Next scene was Debbie drinking tea in a comfy robe. I’m just saying that’s coded for a lot of *cough* celebrating you know?