This morning I woke up to a beta invitation. I was expecting one eventually being an annual pass holder but I checked my account through yesterday, when I heard that a wave had gone out, and it wasn’t there so I assumed I’d be waiting till next wave or longer. I knew that emails took a while to come through but I didn’t realise that it took a while to show up on the account as well. Anyway, happy days I’m now in the beta.
Category Archives: Classes
My paladin is jealous of my bounty hunter
I defy anyone to have two of the same sort of thing and not compare them – it’s impossible. I’ve been comparing warcraft and swtor since I first set foot on Hutta and surprisingly both have come out rather well. Swtor is different enough from warcraft to be able to stand on its own and the reverse is also true. I chose to play a bounty hunter first in swtor and I chose to play a mage first in warcraft. It’s far too early to say whether that bounty hunter will be my main or not but for the time being it is.
Advanced Classes – A Critical Error?
What I love most about swtor is the story. There’s a lot of other things I love about it but that’s the subject of another post. Swtor has eight classes, four for each faction. Each class has two advanced classes and then within those advanced classes there are three specs. For warcraft players specs are a familiar concept as each class in warcraft also has three specs. Like in swtor these specs can be changed for a fee but that’s where the similarity ends.