Costume Party!Gold, if a bad guy ever took Belle hostage, what would you do to save her? Belle, do you think you’d be able to free yourself, or would you wait for Gold to rescue you?


Gold: I would burn the city to the ground if necessary.

Belle: *rolls her eyes* no you wouldn’t Cal.

Gold: *sighs* *mutters* Only because you wouldn’t like it. (Belle raises an eyebrow) *sighs again* alright and because it wouldn’t be helpful. I would do everything that was humanly possible though. I would spend every penny I had if it would help, I would hire the world’s experts. I would do anything.

Belle: I know *kisses him* but you know I’m no ‘damsel in distress’.

Gold: *fond smile* If you saw an opportunity you would save yourself. Oh I know sweetheart. You’ve saved me on occasion before now.

Belle: On occasion? How about we’re each others hero?

Gold: I like that and I love you.

Belle: And I love you.