I volunteer to beta it !!
I will personally vouch for Ripper’s smut beta-ing skills; she beta’d all my first smut fics.
And, you know, the world can never have too much smut.
I had never considered Sam/Rush o.o that is actually quite interesting. Maybe in a world where Jack wasn’t around somehow? My first OTP was Jack/Sam, I feel overly protective of those two dorks <3
If anyone wrote SamRush let me know! I’d love to give it a try!!
@still-searching47 is probably gonna do it 🙂
I actually have to write this now don’t I? 🙂
No I am definitely going to oneshot it and don’t worry it will be respectful to Jack/Sam. There were all manner of feelings but it’s sort of canon that they didn’t get together until the end of season 8 because of regs. Well they never explicitly say that they get together but there was that deleted scene from SGA where Carter says she’s dating a guy in Washington, and Carter also tells that NID guy she is with someone. It was going to get properly confirmed in the third Stargate movie, which got cancelled.
Anyway, there were canon relationships otherwise (icky stalker Pete and erm, that CIA lady for Jack) so if I set it earlier then it might not be happy ever after for Rush/Carter, but that would just clear Rush to wind up on Destiny one day. I’m thinking late season four/five time perhaps. I’ll have to think about exactly what direction I take this in. I might do happy ever after for them, sort of an alternate reality where unfortunately the timing was never right for Jack and Sam to become a couple. I mean sometimes these things don’t work out. There are options.
Thanks I’ll probably, definitely take you up on that offer Ripper.