I’m watching The Mandalorian Season 3 (I know I am late) but I am bothered by several things this episode.

1) the unfortunately realistic amnesty of scientists which is uncomfortably close to what happened post-WW2. Like the Empire was so big they had to give a lot of Imperials a pass as they couldn’t imprison half the Galaxy but where is the line drawn? The amnesty seemed to apply to people who stayed with Empire remnants. I don’t know I just have a “what about justice for their victims?” kind of disquiet because of that scene with the Coruscant elite.

Tell me that was supposed to be disturbing with the guy going “republic? Empire? Rebels? What’s the diff? Who can keep up?” because life was forever a gravy train for him. Because it was seriously disturbing. And having Pershing address that packed auditorium was uncomfortable both for the platform it gave him given his crimes, but also for the performative gratitude towards the mercy of the New Republic which felt icky. Like an adopted kid having to be grateful for their food and housing. Like no if it’s the right thing to do, no need to fawn over doing the right thing.

I don’t know the whole thing is just like slippery slope doom feeling. I mean if they want to hint beyond what we already know as to why the New Republic failed then good job.

2) the naming of these amnesty scientists with numbers. Like whaaaat? Why? That’s stripping humanity. The clones had numbers and took names because they were people and deserved an identity. Why are they taking that from these people they are claiming to be helping? So wrong. I get they are dealing with a lot of people and social security numbers make sense but that’s for a database – not to address them. Use their names dammit.

3) the obvious terror of this mind flayer. Like dress it up all you want. It’s clearly the same tech and crucially it’s involuntary. And they did it without listening to him, by trusting another amnesty person. No investigation. This messes with his mind and they just overruled him like he has no rights. Ok so he’s a prisoner/on probation but that shouldn’t matter. There should still be basic rights otherwise how is the republic better than the empire? Let him choose this treatment or prison. Give him information about it. Let him have time to think. Not wake him up from being stunned/arrested and then zap. So wrong.

I can’t believe this is what Leia and Hera and my beloved rebels fought for. No wonder they left for the Resistance.