Ok so since I last rambled (Day 17) I have taken six zero days. I felt really unwell this past week which sucked.
Anyway last I talked Gentlemen of Blood I speculated that it would be approximately 20-25k. In the end it was around 33k but hey that still wasn’t the 50k I’d cynically thought it could be when I first started writing.
I finished it today! 🙂 🙂 and so I’m ¾ on finishing the WIPs I picked out for this month. It was always incredibly ambitious listing those four projects and I knew it was unrealistic that I would finish all of them. I’m a bit bummed that I only have tomorrow, this month, to work on my novel but that’s because of the zero days. If I hadn’t felt so unwell this past week I’d have finished Gentlemen of Blood last week as planned and had a whole week on my novel. Alas…
So what are my upcoming plans? Well I now have three completed Sanctuary fics (Life Without Purpose, The Tragic Tail and Gentlemen of Blood). Life Without Purpose is a short 2k job that I can post whenever, the other two are multi-chapter fics and still need graphics. With The Librarians prompt month I posted a fair bit this month so I think I’ll wait until next Friday before I start posting. I probably have enough chapters across the stories to post every Tuesday and Friday for all of August.
That leaves me time to write something else! My first priority is completing my languishing novel as that’s the WIP I didn’t complete this month. After that I have two Sanctuary fics on the list: Time Will Tell (soulmate AU) and Shadow Play(season 4 colouring between the lines). I’m currently thinking once I’ve finished the novel I’ll write Time Will Tell next as that’s what I’m most interested in. At the same time I can plan my next novel. I have August, September and October to finish my current novel, plan the next one, and write fic because come November I’ll be doing a new novel for NaNo.
I also want to finish the languishing gifset. You know the artistic one that’s a complete love letter to my OT3 and taking forever. Plus I have a list of 50+ other gifsets I could do. I signed up for a drawing course I’ve not started. I made it a goal to do a drawing a month and haven’t done one since March. So yeah I’d say I can fill the next three months pretty easily.
I’m 273 words off having written 300k this year. That’s a little ahead of pace for 500k and I’ve decided that’s what I’m going to aim for. If I keep on current pace that should be easily doable. Which means I think I’m at least one project short to add up for another 200k, I’ll have to think on it hehe.
Words Written (this month): 54,593
Final Total (for Gentlemen of Blood): 33,326 (well pre-proofing anyway)