You know it’s starting to sink in now that Agents of Shield is cancelled.
I love it and I’ve rewatched it loads already and I can always do that BUT the immediacy of new content will be gone.
I’m sure I’m not the only one that gets caught up in watching new stuff and doesn’t turn back to the older stuff that often. I recently was inspired to do a Killjoys rewatch BECAUSE season 5 (the final season) is going to be airing soon, I have smiled and liked it, but I probably wouldn’t have done it without the prompt.
Stargate is something I think about everyday probably but I haven’t watched it in months – I haven’t watched it this year! I love it and could watch it forever but there are new things to watch and so it slips on the priority list.
Now Agents of Shield is cancelled and only has one last season, that’s only one more season of new content, and I’m getting a bit sad now. I meant what I said yesterday about this show getting better over time. It’s an absolute gem – six seasons of awesomeness so far! – and I expect season seven will be fantastic too but then that’s the end of it.
I guess it’s like everything else, there’s only so many hours in the day, only so much TV that can be watched. Earlier there was a tumblr post that asked “do you ever look at your bookshelf and wish you could read everything all at once?” and my answer is yes absolutely! BUT I also wish that about TV. I want to roll around in the shows I love and enjoy them all.
So yeah despite knowing it was coming I really actually am mourning the end of Agents of Shield. It’s a great show, in my opinion there was no decline, it’s going out on a high which I guess is good but also means imo that it had more in it. I really will miss it.