I am beyond appalled. Not just at what happened, the utter dismantlement of basically a persons soul (their memories, everything that makes them them), stripped away and stored for their own benefit. I am even more appalled that yet again Artie thinks it’s a good idea and that nobody verbally objected.

Can I headcanon that Myka was biting her tongue? That maybe her enthusiasm to get the coin was partly righting the wrong, in addition to protecting HG?


(Yes I might be watching while venting)

“It would be like burning down a library with a friend trapped inside”

OMG let’s unpack that. 1) Myka still thinks of HG as a friend, 2) she respects her and 3) “we don’t trade lives” – the friend thing again, if she truly felt HG was nothing more than a resource at best and an enemy at worst she wouldn’t argue. Instead Myka is willing to risk everything to save her.

“I will not destroy HG Wells”

“There is no discussion”

Ahhhhhhhhh – seriously my shipper heart. “You’ll be gone, you’ll be dead. The price is too high”

“How do you say goodbye to the one person who knows you better than anyone else?”
“I wish I knew”

Seriously I could quote this entire scene. I ship it! I ship it hard! Myka has tears and HG is willing to die to protect the world her bronzing-induced madness nearly made her destroy.

Can I headcanon that the reason the last thing HG wanted to see was the sky, was because if she was looking at Myka her resolve would slip? After all Myka is the only one who can talk her down/change her mind.

OMG poor HG /cries. She flinches when Sykes hands her the water because her last memories were of being a hologram and not able to touch anything – seriously back to the rant THE HUMANE OPTION REALLY??

I am so glad I saved this until after I had done my work because I am emotionally compromised. I have too many feels!