Hello, you have been identified as An Awesome Writer™! Congrats, you rock! So that all of your readers can shower you with some extra love today, please tell us your favourite five (or as many as you want) stories of yours and why you like them and then send this to another five fic authors you think deserve this title! <3


Awwww *huge hugs* you are so nice!!! I haven’t posted anything in six months and my WIP’s have been neglected for nearly a year and you still think of me? *sniff* I don’t know what to say beyond I love you and that I’m trying valiantly not to tear up. Thank you so much!!


The Beauty and the Tragedy [Tumblr, AO3] – No idea if it’s true or not but I’ve always felt this is one of my better written fics which is weird as I wrote the whole thing in a day. It kinda poured out of me. I just love the imagery and how it flows, which would be the narrative structure I guess. [NSFW]

Painting Layers of Love [Tumblr, AO3] – My magnum opus in many ways. I know it hasn’t been updated in forever and I feel really guilty. Don’t worry it’s not been forgotten, I’ve just had a really bad mental health year personally and I’ve barely been able to keep up with anything. Fic took a backseat. Anyway I love this one because of the feelings I guess. I’m trying to do it right, I really want to do it justice.

Between Two Fires [Tumblr, AO3] – I created a sci-fi world! Hehe 🙂 I went a bit nuts with the world building, I have a whole history and solar system and interplanetary war and *deep breath* and it’s combined with some of my favourite espionage tropes. I know I shouldn’t enjoy my own fic but I really kinda do with this one, it really was tailor-made for me *hides*

Fall All Over Again [Tumblr, AO3] – My first Lacey fic. I had an absolute blast writing this and once again did far too much worldbuilding/planning. It’s technically AU even before the canon-divergence in The Outsider because Lacey and Gold were married during the curse. Also Belle woke up first. I have so many details of how things were during the curse, how season one was different and I also had some thoughts about a sequel. I had fun writing this one. [NSFW]

Across the Stars

[Tumblr, AO3] – Picking #5 is always difficult but I think at this moment it has to go to this Star Wars fusion. Love is strength and if I ever write more (oh please let me scrape the time to write more) balance will be brought to the force very differently. Once again I just have tremendous fun 🙂