@bookwormchocaholic thanks for the tag! 🙂
1. Favourite book of all time?
Can I pick a series? I know it’s not exactly high literature but the Diagnosis Murder books by Lee Goldberg are such a joy to read. I’ve never enjoyed a set of books more and I think that should count for something.
2. What are you currently reading?
A lot of fanfic is on my TBR pile! However, I do have this Anthony Horowitz book that is begging to be read so both?
3. Have you ever considered writing a book?
More than considered. I’ve typed ‘The End’ on several novels thanks to NaNoWriMo 🙂
4. Favourite series?
Erm I kinda already answered this *hides*
5. Book you’d like to read?
Kinda already did this one too – The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz.
6. What’s on your TBR pile?
Honestly it’s mostly fanfic because a) you guys are all so damn talented and b) I’m ashamed to say it’s free. I walk around the bookstore and wish I was a millionaire because there are so many awesome books. This morning I input a dozen titles of books I saw into the library and got a big fat zilch. I guess maybe I should try again in a year or two when they aren’t so new.
7. Favourite fictional character(s)?
Impossible to say. Characters and their stories are so intertwined and while I can see common elements in many of my favourite characters that’s not what this is asking. Characters are compelling for various reasons and I love far too many.
8. Favourite ship of all time?
Not book related but it kinda has to be Rumbelle really doesn’t it? Strangely not Beauty and the Beast though. I find Rumbelle so much better because there’s no ulterior motive. In BatB the Beast wants Belle to fall in love with him because he needs her to break his curse. Rumbelle is more romantic for me because it’s accidental love. Belle and Rumple didn’t want to fall for one another, they didn’t need the love for anything, there was nothing selfish about it, it just happened.
9. Pick up the book closest to you, open page one and write down the first paragraph.
‘Like a wolf on the fold.’ In recounting the Syrian attack on the Israeli-held Golan Heights at 1400 local time on Saturday, October 6th 1973, most commentators automatically recalled Lord Byron’s famous line. There is also little doubt that that is precisely what the more literary (<– hehe found a typo in the book) inclined Syrian commanders had in mind when they placed the final touches on the operations plans that would hurl more tanks and guns at the Israelis than any of Hitler’s vaunted panzer generals had ever dreamed of having.
– Sum of All Fears by Tom Clancy
10. What’s the 1st fandom you were in?
The Royal/Heartbeat – I was eleven.
Tagging: @rumple-belle, @mariequitecontrarie, @sarashouldbestudying and @little-inkstone. If you don’t want to/already done it then no worries 🙂 and sorry for the bother.