I dream every night. Vivid and often exhausting but last night it was interesting as well.
Set in World War Two. This General said “it can’t be done! We’ve sent our best men.” This Captain then marches up and says “maybe so but you still haven’t sent the best” and takes off their cap and loosens their hair tie. (In other words they need to send their best woman).
What happened next is kinda fuzzy, as dreams often are, but the Captain is paired with a female partner. There is a scene with a half-naked guy and the Captain doesn’t blink which the partner thinks is odd but then notices them blushing and checking out this girl. They have to pretend to be a married couple and so there’s some awkward bedsharing.
Erm there was a scene where they had to chase a train but couldn’t be seen boarding as their target was onboard. They had to change clothes and they had matching jackets. Details are fuzzy but that was an important point because of some flirting. It’s hard to remember. Anyway it developed quite slowly with the partner realising she liked the Captain too.
I woke up before the stereotypical happy ending kiss. I keep trying to remember more about it but it’s like holding water in my fingers. Dreams are annoying like that. Still I thought it was cool.