When did I last post? *checks* ah it was Sunday.

Ok erm well I did my presentation yesterday. It’s reading week this week so I have no assignments, no lectures, nothing except a bit of prep reading to do until Tuesday.

Which is good because I’ve been feeling awful with this cold. You know how all colds are different? Well this one is in my throat/chest, so there’s not a lot of snot but there’s an awful lot of coughing. Which hurts and makes me sick and other disgusting things (sorry for the TMI). Also triggered a migraine last night so I’ve slept most of today.

Anyway in regards to NaNo…

Current Total: 6,634
Today’s NaNo Pace: 15,000

Yeaaah I’m a little bit behind. My plan is to hopefully catch up before Tuesday when uni returns like revenge of the assignments, and I really, really want to read some fic and do my queue and spread some love to you amazing fandom people. I’m sorry that fandom stuff is always last on my list. One day I will get the hang of this time management thing.

Anyway, TLDR I’m still here and still ‘trying’ *hugs to you all*