*hugs ficlets* They are all so adorable. I love Rumple’s first impression of Belle, and of course she needs a companion in an adventure. hah! I love that Lord Maurice gave in, though by this point he’s probably afraid that Belle will sneak out during the night. lol

Love what you did with Rumple and Gaston. Of course the two of them are worried now that the king is dead, but I do believe I sensed a difference between the source of their worries? Like Rumple is anxious over Belle’s future, while Gaston is thinking of the big picture? And then the third. awwww! I love Belle getting along with Snow in alternate worlds. And it looks like the two of them are fighting ‘unwelcome’ attraction to commoners. Tsk. Bad princesses! Also, loved seeing Rumple through belle’s eyes. Especially the bit about his hair. Always glad to see that Belle admires the floof. *grins* THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Yay I’m so glad you liked it! Yup you have nailed how Rumple and Gaston were feeling. Gaston likes Belle, they were probably childhood friends, but they have grown apart and while Gaston cares for her, he cares for his duty more because he doesn’t really know Belle anymore. She’s the odd girl he remembers who loved books and wanted to be the knight not the damsel.

Yup Snow has fallen for the peasant shepherd David. Even if King Leopold granted his daughter permission to marry a commoner (which has happened in this world, as Prince Thomas married Ella) but it’s doubly complicated because David’s twin brother was taken by King George as his heir to Tiragarde. So Snow as the Northaeron heir (at least at this point in the timeline) can’t really marry David because that would draw attention to the fact that James isn’t actually George’s son.

That would throw Tiragarde’s monarchy into disrepute and maybe even lead to civil war. Of course things change when Regina assassinates Leopold, and Snow takes the blame, but in the ‘staring’ ficlet, that hadn’t happened yet. I haven’t forgotten your other three prompts and I will do them asap 🙂