Transposing Digits



Synopsis: The phone in the library had always been silent, until one day it started ringing. Belle French answers it and discovers that life really can turn on a dime – or in this case a wrong number.

Note: Written for @a-monthly-rumbelling in September. The prompt was Wrong Number. This is just a silly fic based on the first thing I thought of when I read that phrase. You see the ‘wrong number’ part of this fic actually happened to me, and I can’t think of wrong numbers and not think of that incident.

It’s a very, very cliche non-magical Storybrooke but I hope you enjoy anyway! I’m posting this a little early as an apology for not having finished the next chapter of Faith of the Heart. I hope everyone enjoys the premiere tonight! 🙂

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Belle French
hummed lightly under her breath as she danced around the empty library, tidying
up what few books weren’t already neatly shelved. It was the middle of the
afternoon and the library was empty, as usual. School had just finished for the
day, and sometimes she got a few children visiting on their way home.
Unfortunately, they were few and far between.

Not even the
older students came in for research anymore, preferring to do all their fact
checking online. With her budget shrinking every year, Belle could see that the
library might well close in just a few years. However, she didn’t like to think
about that. She would deal with that if and when it happened, and not let it
suck the joy out of her job until then.

Suddenly the
quiet of the library was disturbed by the shrill ringing of the telephone.
Belle blinked, she actually thought that might be the first time she’d heard
that phone ring. She supposed she now at least knew it worked but she couldn’t
fathom who might be calling. Swiftly Belle moved over to the desk and picked up
the phone.

Keep reading

So cute! I love awkward Gold, so surprised anyone wants to talk to him.

Thanks! I don’t know if I could write Gold as anything other than awkward, I might have to try self-confident Gold some day. Maybe pair him with Lacey or something heh, it would be a good challenge 🙂


These two are adorkable! By chance will we see more of this verse? 😉

Thanks! I have no plans of my own with this verse at the moment but all my verses are open to prompts. If you would like to see more, next TMI Tuesday (or whenever I suppose) send me a prompt 🙂 I’m glad you liked it!

leni-ba replied to your post:Transposing Digits

Awww. Gold taking the initiative to ask Belle on a date, how wonderful! And sure, he’s pessimistic about it, but I’m confident Belle will eventually change his mind.

I lol’ed at Mary Margaret complaining about manners. Heh. Poor Belle! But since the wrong number call started her on the path to Gold, she’ll probably be thanking MM and Emma in the future.

Really sweet. Tks for sharing!

I’m glad you enjoyed it! Yeah I think Gold was a little bit shocked at himself. Mind you I think it was the shock of Belle that had him permanently stunned and acting on instinct, sort of a constant happy daze of “how did we get here?” “I don’t know but wow, must hold onto this for as long as I can!” type deal 🙂

Mmm yeah can you imagine if Mary Margaret corrects the number and calls Gold’s house but Belle answers? “Yes I am the same person that picked up last time.” “Last time was a wrong number but this time it’s not.” “Well actually I suppose I should be thanking you for that!”

anneelliotscat replied to your post:Transposing Digits

Bae gave Emma the wrong number on purpose, didn’t he? He *wants* his dad and the nice librarian (who probably visits the school) to get together!

I hadn’t thought of that interpretation! I do like it 🙂 Matchmaker Bae is always so sweet!

Although while Bae could know Belle, and like her, I have to admit I don’t think matchmaking would necessarily occur to him at his age, not unless he saw his dad and Belle together. However, you could certainly be right that Bae gave Emma the number but I think the wrong number business has to be an honest mistake. I don’t quite know how Bae would have known to swap the 1 and the 2, as it’s not like the library number would be written down anywhere.

I had thought that Mary Margaret copied the number herself from school records, which is why she was so convinced she was right and argued with Belle. Which would also mean she’d know that Bae was Gold’s son already, meaning despite Gold’s anxiety the playdate would happen. Although obviously if she was asking about his mother she didn’t read the file very carefully.

Thank you so much for your comment! I’m really glad you enjoyed the fic 🙂