purlturtle asked:
6/7, 10, and 23 for the “even more fic asks” for Odyssey: Future’s Legacy, please!
Awww thank you so much!! 🙂
6/7) How did you decide what tense and POV(s) to use? How did you decide what character(s) would narrate the fic?
In terms of tense I always write in third person, past. That’s not really a decision so much as it just comes out like that.
For POV oh boy, how many POV’s are in that fic? There’s a lot. I go with my gut and for each scene ask whose thoughts are the most interesting. I do a similar thing for original novels but I try and limit it a bit more. For fanfic as there’s a familiarity with the characters, it’s less of an issue to have lots of POVs (at least it feels that way to me). We already have the character connection and it’s not as confusing. Anyway, you can pry multi-POV out of my tightly clenched hands, I love it so. I see stories like movies, and movies don’t tend to just film over one persons shoulder the entire time.
10) How did you approach writing the fic? (e.g. wrote it start to finish in order, started with the ending, starting with the twist)
I’m a linear writer. I can’t write out of order (beyond notes or snippets that sometimes form as part of planning). Obviously the planning process is a bit all over the place because I start with wherever that starts, and then fill in the gaps. But yeah in terms of the actual drafting I go from the start, to the end, scene by scene in order.
23) How did you come up with the title?
Oh boy I remember struggling massively with this. I had more of a vibe/feeling. I wanted the title to shine like the bright warm sun bouncing off the blue sea of Italy, or the sun-kissed dunes of Egypt. I wanted it to evoke a sense of adventure, but I also wanted to hint at the meaning/theme if you like. That the characters were making choices, charting the directions of their institutions which would have ripple effects for years to come AND they were dealing with the legacy of past mistakes. So it’s like how do they want to be remembered? Do they want the future to be cleaning up their mistakes, or do they want to make a positive change and do better than the past?
I adore Warehouse 13 but the warehouse has done some very shady stuff. They make their own monsters in a way with their hubris. Peoples lives are altered irrevocably (like Sykes), and yes he became a villain but he didn’t have to be. Imagine if the Warehouse had a post-snag and bag team, who checked in on people who had been whammied, who helped them in the aftermath, rather than just never explaining anything and leaving people confused to try and pick up the pieces.
So yeah that was a LOT to put in a short title and I’m not sure I managed it but it was all of this ^^ that I was trying to encapsulate.