Can I just rant for a second? I know I shouldn’t it probably goes against fandom etiquette but this hurts 🙁

I just saw an AI art post someone did of an OTP. Now I could rant about AI and how bad it is for oh so many reasons but this rant is a lot more personal, and a lot more selfish.

That AI art had more notes than my most successful art post.

Now I know. I’m still learning and the older my art, the shittier it is, and people are well within their rights to not grace their dash with shitty art. However everything I have made has been done out of love. I have poured hours and hours into every piece (I’m even slower because I’m still learning).

I just find it so unspeakably sad that AI is stealing into fandom spaces like this. Into an arena where love is supposed to be an important component to creation – it’s why we do it right? Because my art looks even more shitty next to it. Because I can’t compete. And yes this is definitely a me problem but I try so so so very hard. Everyday I try to improve and maybe one day I will reach a level of competence and will compete. Maybe I will then look back on this whiny sad rant and shake my head and be like “just get good and stop whining past self”. However today? Today it just hurts.

Also fuck AI 🙁