I’ve seen a lot of posts lately about how hard writing is on my dash. It’s true it can be hard – very hard. But there are good days too.
I don’t talk specifics about my original writing here, as I kinda want to keep fan/personal!Me, and any potential future professional!Me separate. However, I do vague blog sometimes and here’s another one and with a major win.
I finished self-edits of my book today!!
It’s been a journey. I got the idea for this series October 2015. I said “I’m going to do that for NaNo” and my friend told me I was nuts, as there was no way I could plan it in time – but I did. I wrote the 50k in November, and then finished the draft over the next few months. I then wrote Book Two, and half of Book Three, and then November 2016… life happened. I will spare you the whole saga but basically fast forward to January this year and I picked it up again.
A complete reboot, rewritten from the ground up. The general plot is still basically the same but everything about the character arcs, to the details of the world, to (hopefully) how well it’s written is all new. Applying everything I have learned in the last 8 years to do a better job this time.
258 hours – that’s how long it took me to analyse, replot, rewrite, revise and edit. Basically 4 months because I took April off.
Anyway! This is a positive. This is a success. This is a giant step forward and I wish to share that brief shining moment of positivity. It can happen.
I have my beta and editor booked for next month. So the next task is to analyse and replot Book Two!