So having posted my artwork for the Librarians exchange (currently invisible awaiting reveal on the 23rd) I am now second-guessing whether I should have touched it up in photoshop.
I did it all by hand (ink and watercolour) and it’s not perfect. I made mistakes. I wish I had the skills to do a better job and hopefully one day I will get there, but I digress.
I opted not to try and fix it because that’s over 20 hours of hard work, that’s me having done my best. It feels more authentic to leave it as it is. Plus I don’t know whether any digital alterations would just look weird. But still I wish it was better. My washes were not smooth, skin shading is my nemesis and some water/paint ran where I didn’t want it :/
An attempt was made. I tried, I care deeply, that is enough right? And round and round the debate goes in my head.