Thoughts on 2.05 (SNW)

I’m not sure I can actually sit through this.

It started and immediately I went “oh no” as it was leaning on by far the weakest part of SNW. And also given Spock’s engagement I find the not quite platonic thing with Chapel uncomfortable. T’pring deserves more respect than that.

Got to the part where Spock said “what the fuck” and same dude same.

I’m now at the 16 minute mark so about 1/4 of the way through and just… I am uncomfortable, cringing, secondhand embarrassment and yet somehow still bored.

I mean I sat through far worse in Picard but I think it’s because I expect a lot more from SNW. It’s far more disappointing.


I took a little break and then did watch it.

Pike cooking for the engagement dinner was good. So in character. Such a dad.

I don’t recall what the issue is with Spock and his father. I have a vague memory it was mentioned on Discovery but it’s been a minute since I saw that.

Space Karen and her incredibly hen pecked husband was ehhhh ok. A bit odd really if it was the husband that was in favour of the match as he agreed with his wife about everything else, so why not agree with her about Spock?

If Spock is wrestling with his dual nature tying it into prejudice and his mothers experience was a good direction. Much better than the cringing comedy that was most of the episode.

Honestly almost all the characters felt off, like they were OOC. Pike was solid but that’s about it.

As for that end scene… I really can’t believe that we are what 20 years on? And we are doing the Friends “but we were on a break!” plot. I mean “taking time apart” doesn’t sound like “hook up with whomever you want” to me. It sounds like “I want to press pause on deepening commitment”. That isn’t a release to do whatever. In fact the opposite. I guess Spock doesn’t want to get married or he would want to do whatever he could to improve T’pring’s opinion of him.

I think this is the weakest episode from across both seasons. It’s not one I will rewatch. Very little in the positive column imo.

@Bird of Dawning

I loved Spock just appearing to tidy up after Sam.

I feel that impulse. I don’t like to touch stuff so idk if I would clean up his stuff but I would want to. So kinship with Spock there!