Tumblr is not kind to Batel
Whaaat? Why is tumblr not nice?
I rarely see anything as if it’s not on my dash when I look then 🤷♂️ I sometimes dig in tags but it’s a once blue moon type thing.
I guess maybe she is mostly perhaps written in as the “love interest” (I think she is capable of so much more) but ok she is connected to Pike, and as he is the MC her fate will probably be based on what material the writers want to give Pike to work with. Is it more drama to have her die? Or more drama to have her live but want then to get married or something and Pike know he has a time limit? Everything is about Pike probably from the writers POV.
But from fandom POV? Let her be free. Let her be the badass captain in her own right. Isn’t that what fandom is for, to give under appreciated women the adventures that screen time doesn’t have the time to show?
Although I guess maybe fandom sees her as an obstacle to a Pike/Una ship? I have never understood that mentality myself. Ship and let ship. Something existing doesn’t invalidate the alternative. And just because something is canon or not really well in my mind doesn’t matter. Are there ships I wish had been explicitly canon? Do I want my ship to kiss? I am human so yeah. But if the dice doesn’t fall that way, it’s the showrunners call. And being mean to a character/being negative in pro tags (anti tags exist) is just bad fandom etiquette IMO
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