I saw the poster for the movie “The Spy Who Dumped Me” and I clicked on it because it had two women on the cover and I thought it was going to be an epic lesbian rom-com.
Naturally I was disappointed. The spy was a guy, and the two women were just room-mates BUT it made me wonder, could it work for either of my ships? The answer is I think it could work for both of them! but in different ways.
1) Original thought – After locksat was dealt with Haley eventually got bored and started travelling for work again. The distance, plus the age gap, led Haley to break up with Alexis. When some bad guys from her latest job start hunting Alexis, Haley thinks their break-up was an even better idea because look at the danger she put her in.
Alexis disagrees, she’d been kidnapped and shot at long before she met Haley and what she hates the most is the people she loves being in danger, and not being there to help them. Alexis asks Haley whether she expects her to turn her back on her dad and never see him again. Shocked Haley says no, so Alexis says then why would she turn her back on her? To cut a long idea short basically they prove they are stronger together, plus being forced together like that reminds both of them why they fell in love with each other in the first place.
2) Second thought – Ruby had dated Whale, Victor Whale, for a short time. Unfortunately it was during this short time that Victor was tailed and so Ruby was flagged as being his weak spot. Now Victor is a lothario but not a jerk, if he could then he would have gone to protect Ruby, but he was deep undercover on another assignment. So instead the agency dispatches Mulan.
Things get a little more complicated when Merida from down the hall gets caught up in the initial shootout/chase at Ruby’s apartment. Now the three women are on the run and to be cheesy – sparks are going to fly.
Yeah I want to fic it.
A spambot (I think) just liked this old post of mine and I love my brain sometimes.
In honour of NaNo I am bringing this back.
I don’t talk about my original writing much. I think that is mostly fear because I feel I should compartmentalise. Fandom and my (hopeful) ‘professional career’ shouldn’t mix, and this is my fandom space.
But I would be a total liar if I said that I hadn’t been inspired by fanfic. I read a blog post about it a long time ago, by a professional author called Holly Lisle, which she entitled something like “How to steal ideas without stealing them”. It’s basically about taking one very small concept, something very vague like a trope, and then change utterly everything else.
As indeed is the case with the first scenario on this list. I turned a vague variation of that general concept into a sci-fi thriller. You’ve heard of world building for novel planning? I had to do a small amount of universe building as there were four planets in this thing.
Anyway it is possibly the worst first draft in the world. In fact it probably doesn’t deserve being called a first draft. It is a zero draft. It requires a complete rewrite. But it exists. I have something to work with and that I can develop further.
I had totally forgotten the second concept and now I need to think of a good background and make that a thing too. I don’t know when. I have a dozen series ideas (series, not books, series of books). I could probably write solidly for the next decade before I would need to think of anything new.
But yeah I want to write it.