Finally getting to watch the episode. What I want to know is where Raffi’s phaser went? As I can’t remember but she had one to shoot out the window of the cop car, and now doesn’t have one.

Why is this taking place at night in the gloom? The gifmaker in me is crying at the lighting 😂 

Ok I need to rewatch that convo 20x even though it’s in the dark. “We’re not getting out of this” and jumps into the thick of it together anyway. I love that quality in an OTP.



How hard did you all scream? I just legit screamed. Sorry not sorry for the live blogging btw. But holy shit Seven just got a tentacle in the gut and 👀👀👀


Oh I was loud… My poor neighbours were not impressed.

Yeah I imagine I’ll get interrogated later as to what it was.

Ok I’m not sure I breathed for half of that episode. Coherent thoughts might have to wait. I just have feeeeeels.

Reminds me of the Burn Notice season 4 finale and now I want to manifest that somehow.

I am still in shock but I totally love that Picard was basically useless, Rios saved Picard but was otherwise useless, so the only ones on mission were the ladies. Jurati did the sneak sneak, Seven and Raffi took care of the rest. The galaxy would have been all Borg if left to the guys. They got distracted.

There wasn’t much consideration for consequences IMO.

I mean not once did they mention the borg statues they beamed into stone in the basement – I’m thinking they need to get rid of those as otherwise wouldn’t Picard remember them as a boy?

lol I must not have been as loud as I thought with my screaming, as I did not in fact face questions when I went downstairs 😂


Did you mean otp: it’s time to be brave little angel?

I mean “I belong out there with him… for better or for worse.”
“It’s probably going to be for worse.”
“Well, I knew that the moment I met him.”
jumps in the room with the bomb