So a Rebels appreciation week has happened while I have been computer-less. I might have contributed if I had been allowed but alas.
I have now liked soooooo many posts ready to reblog as soon as I can get on the PC and tag. Incoming Rebels spam 🙂
It’s appropriate too as I have been doing a Rebels rewatch lately. I’m mid season two, so Ahsoka has turned up and gosh I love them all so much. Like I know it’s probably sacrilege or something but Ghost crew are my absolute Star Wars faves. Clone Wars era is close second, Original Trilogy third and then the Sequels (Finn, Poe, BB-8!).
I’m a little bitter that my Lego dark ages happened during Rebels run as I missed out on all the sets. The minifigs are extortionate to buy secondhand 🙁 I did at least manage to BrickLink enough pieces to build a Ghost under heavy repair (not everything colour matched).
I painted Chopper (and R2 and BB-8) when I did some painting for my birthday last month. I can’t remember if I shared that on here? It’s on my Instagram. I’ll check when I’m on a PC if I remember.