I’ve been working hard on Fall of Camelot and I’ve run into the same problem that I had with Choosing Fate. I don’t know if you recall but I reached a point with that where I realised I’d written the start a bit wrong. I’m quite linear, I’m not someone that can write out of order, and so I stalled writing as continuing when it’s wrong felt wrong.

So I went back and fixed it and I’m going to have to do the same with Fall of Camelot. That’s not ideal. I do try and tell myself – first draft, fix later – but ehhh whatever gets me to the finish line I guess.

There was a planning party on the WriYe discord this evening. I didn’t really need to plan but it was good to remind myself a bit of the novel I’m thinking I’ll try and write next month (if I finish Fall of Camelot). That doesn’t feel very likely at the moment but that’s probably my tiredness talking. I’m reminded of the tumblr post I read about not getting 8 hours sleep regularly, and I’ve been waking up way too early for weeks now. I am so tired 🙁

Anyway, I’m not sure if it’ll ever see the light of day but in my frustration I started a little Warehouse 13/Sanctuary crossover ficlet. Basically so far I have Pete geeking out over the fact that mythical creatures exist, and HG is having far too much fun pointing out all the things that people believe about vampires that aren’t true. I’m just building up to the revelation that it’s Nikola Tesla, who she recruited for Warehouse 12 hehe.

I’d like to cross the Librarians and Sanctuary somehow but it doesn’t really work because of vampires. They have them on the Librarians and they are the burn up in the sun, turn to ash with a stake through the heart etc. type aka not the badass “get down from there” Nikola Tesla kind. Which is a shame because Nikola is mentioned in the Librarians. Although not in a good way as he did this experiment which shifted an entire town into a different phase and they had to do body snatching to interact with the real world.

Maybe I need to do invasion of the multi-verse. The Librarians have a problem and only Nikola Tesla can solve it. The solution is a magical artifact which they think reaches across time, so they can talk to him in the past, but instead it reaches across dimensions and they get a suspicious vampire. That’s a fun story to tell myself when I can’t sleep later at least 🙂