OMG this finale with the Daxomite invasion is amazing!!!
Like I should be live blogging this to remember all the awesomeness because there is a lot. But I’m too invested, it’s riveting viewing.
Cat Grant walked in like a boss. That conversation “don’t need to measure anything” was incredible. Alex jump twisting off the roof was totally badass. Cat Grant giving advice again was epic, I missed her. Lena’s mother walking in has trap all over it, I don’t buy her motive of wanting to save Lena at all. Oh! Oh! And Cat Grant going “ok so you are an alien but at least tell me you still a democrat” was hilarious.
I have thoughts about Lena and how Rhea manipulated her (I feel so sorry for her) but I’m not sure how to put my mess of emotions into words. I’m just screaming about it. Lena was so touched that her mother came for her. I love that she immediately argued for Supergirls safety.
I’m glad they mentioned the elephant in the room of Superman not showing up, though they didn’t say where he is. I hope they do address that and don’t just say “oh he was on vacation with Lois and didn’t take his phone oops” because that would suck. Ah mind control, didn’t that happen in the season 1 alien invasion too? Hmm.
Ouch. Major major ouch. Kara just asked why Lena’s mother didn’t reveal her secret identity and she said “one day Lena will discover you lied to her and hate you for it” and I have read enough spoilers to know 😭 that was some foreshadowing I did not need.
Cat Grant going “where is James and Kira?” and Win going “they are hiding like cowards” erm couldn’t he have said they were hunting the story? The office is busted which is why they aren’t working from it. I mean /facepalm. Lol she always knew about James though. I love that “thank you James” “I can see your eyes through the slit” – just more evidence that she really does know about Kara. I know they did that fakeout with Jonn but Cat Grant is smart enough to know about shapeshifters.
Honestly Cat Grant is amazing.
Kara is an idiot going to Rhea to get her to surrender. Alex doesn’t know that! She’s going to blow the ship regardless, I mean c’mon. Just why? Poor Alex impossible position and then the cannon blows up. If she’d left Alex wouldn’t have hesitated and the ship would have been toast.
This is some seriously epic TV. Ok I still have 2×22 to watch but it’s raid night 🙁 I’ll have to watch the rest another day!