I can’t believe the show did that.
I am not ok with this.
True I find the word itself triggering. It makes for very very uncomfortable viewing. But it also just seems unnecessary. Why go there? Yes I’m touchy, I know I am but it’s a sore subject. I’m too sad even for a sad face.
To attempt to be positive I did like Myka’s “did you have to ask?” about whether she could remember the coordinates. I do like it when she shows competence.
I do also love a good treasure hunt but who builds these ‘secret’ lairs? Someone has to but then how are they still secret?
“HG wasn’t a baddie” – I do love how Myka instinctively defends HG.
Oh and I haven’t said this but it needs to be said Jinksy is underrated. I like him. Aaron Ashmore was epic as Johnny Jaqobis in Killjoys, same sort of dependable friend too.
Anyway I’m sorry I just hate it. I flinch everytime that word is said. I get storylines are important for visibility and stuff but I choose my TV carefully. The real world is hard enough. Give me fantasy battles of multiple vying caretakers not… that.
I kinda wish they hadn’t killed Charlotte. That plot thread didn’t lead where I thought but she still had potential.
One more episode left in the season. I got to say this season hasn’t been as good as I hoped. There has been some awesome obviously but /shrug I don’t know, maybe all shows eventually wind up better in my head.
#anti a certain plot which I can’t bear to name #got to be honest right now Claudia and Jinksy are saving it