Watching Star Wars: Rebels and I find it interesting that Vader refers to Anakin Skywalker like he’s a separate person. He didn’t say “my apprentice lives” he said “Anakin Skywalker’s old apprentice”.

That is some serious distancing going on. Pushing away any connections to who he used to be like they aren’t connections to him anymore.

I’m still not all that fond of Zeb but I would love him to bang Vader’s helmet like he does with the stormtroopers and have Sabine maybe go “Remember Snips?” Because Anakin did deeply care about Ahsoka once. Perhaps after he eventually managed to twist it so that she had ‘abandoned him’ just like everyone else but that doesn’t change the fact that she is one of the few people still living that he cared about.

I love Ahsoka. I feel like the season 2 premiere was a bit all over the place and didn’t carry on that well from the finale. I was expecting it to pick up immediately I guess with some introduction for the Ghost crew as to who Ahsoka was. I guess maybe the TV people are trying to leave it a mystery for those who don’t know for some kind of reveal later.