A couple of important writing thoughts:

  1. I have been super down on my writing for ages, actually starting to despair that I could write anything worth reading and then it hit me – I still get emails from AO3 multiple times a week saying I have Kudos. I haven’t posted anything really in a couple of years now. This proves two things:
    1. Everything is always new to someone. I have said this before when I have discovered shows several seasons in/after they were cancelled, they are old but ‘new to me’ and the same applies to written works.
    2. Obviously I can’t be that bad or people wouldn’t still be reading my stuff. I know it’s free and I have the inbuilt ‘in’ of writing about someones favourite characters, rather than having to try and make them love characters I’ve invented but even so.
  2. I’m not the same person I was a few years back. Stuff has happened in my life and I’ve got older and I have new perspectives on things now – so why would I expect my writing to be the same? The answer is I can’t. The stories that fit me back then, don’t fit me now and that is ok. It’s evolution and why Chris Baty is right. He said “the novel you write at 20 isn’t the one you’ll write at 30″ and that applies to me. The one I wrote at 25 isn’t going to be the same as the one I write at 30. I need to adapt my ideas to my new outlook.

So I don’t know what to do with this yet ^^ but I felt like saying it.