I just read something interesting. It was in a James Scott Bell book, 27 fiction mistakes, and basically went like this:

“I advocate a weekly creativity time. Half an hour at least to just play in the fields of your mind. You could play The First Line Game where you make up killer first lines, or play The Title Game, or The Killer Scene Game. You can grab a newspaper and come up with an idea based on an article.

Come up with your own games, but the point is to play. Get your brain frolicking and it will get stronger and happier. Then when you’re working on a project, it’s a healthy partner for you to have.”

I do get very focused on my projects and as much as I love them, they scare the hell out of me. I have built them up to mean things and so it’s like pulling teeth. I don’t like taking time out for other things as I feel guilty but maybe I shouldn’t, maybe indulging for a short time isn’t a bad thing.

This reminded me of the question “what brings me joy?” and how I should think about whether projects bring me joy, and what I could do to help myself. I confess that this is why I haven’t decided what I’m writing for April’s Camp yet as I’m deliberating about what brings me joy and what matters, and why things matter to me – what feeds the soul essentially I guess.

Anyway I don’t know I just wanted to share this 🙂