mariequitecontrarie asked:
For the Fanfic Asks: F and G.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“You’re supposed to be dead.”
“I’m supposed to be a lot of things.”
from Between Two Fires and this original novel that I have rewritten half a dozen times now and just can’t make work. I think I will hang on to these two lines until I can get them into a novel somewhere, I love them to pieces.
Why? I don’t know it just sounds awesome in my head. Maybe it’s because dead is dead but they are walking around and so there’s an immediate mystery, maybe then it’s the cryptic leading smirk of the second comment (because there’s definitely a smirk there). It’s sort of like a shrug, self-deprecating yup, I’m supposed to be a lot of things – there is just such a world in those two lines, layers of meaning and heartbreak because it’s a betrayal, not just of love but of everything the betrayed (Gold in this case) believes in.
It’s a starting point, and it’s also a middle point, the old ‘in media res’ aka starting the story in the middle, so we’re right there and these two lines bring up questions and well I’m biased because they are my lines, but I feel an immediate investment because it’s not just questions – I have the feeling. I can hear the pain (or maybe I’ve just visualised the scene too many times I don’t know) but ugh bury me with these two lines. I just love them.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Start to finish. I’ve wished on many occasion to mix it up but my brain just won’t do it, it’s like it knows it’s not done and so it won’t move on. I guess I’m just very linear, my brain just won’t accept anything else.