mariequitecontrarie  asked:

28, 35, and 38 for the writing meme

*hugs you* thank you my friend!

28) Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Oh my word, I’m going to deliberately misconstrue this. I know it says fic writers but I feel like ‘oh the drama’ if I pick people I know, does that make sense? We all write fic for fun and so you are all wonderful.

So I’m going to go authors.

#1 – Lee Goldberg – He wrote the Diagnosis Murder series and hands-down I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a set of books more. He captured the characters on-screen and brought them to life in book-form which is incredibly difficult. I mean we all have our own impressions of characters right? I tried reading the Once novelisation of the pilot and I couldn’t get past the first chapter as the characters were just all wrong. Well he took the characters I knew and loved and made a book series and it was all spot-on. Not just the characters either but the off-beat comedy of the show – he captured it all.

#2 – Anthony Horowitz – That man’s career inspires me. He has written books, he’s worked on TV shows, and he’s really down-to-earth. I had the opportunity to hear him speak and I actually asked a question! I said “how much of your first draft makes it to final form” and he said “about 10%” and I don’t know, hearing that a published, successful author struggles like we do gave me heart and he was so nice about it. Plus I’ve enjoyed a good chunk of his work.

#3 – John Rogers – He’s a scriptwriter, he’s written for Leverage and The Librarians and he is a treasure. He treats fans with such respect. I remember a couple of twitter posts. In one a fan asked what the characters apartments were like and he made a joke and said “they sleep in bunkbeds” and then followed it up with “just kidding- unless you need it for your fic, and then they do :)” and then when the show was cancelled he said “it’s your universe now – go play!” Plus those shows bring me such comfort and joy and while it’s not just the writing that brings them to life, obviously that is a big part of it.

35) Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Yup and I have done but only minor ones. I would never write character-death fic for any character I like/feel attached to, put it that way.

38) Talk about a review that made your day.
The most recent one was this:

This is so wonderful! I hadn’t read it for ages, but felt I had to again! 

It was on Full Circle and I cried, and I still haven’t responded because I don’t want to frighten them. It’s just that – they loved it BUT they loved it so much they read it more than once! More. Than. Once. Somebody thought my work was worth their time – more than once! I mean it’s a wonderful feeling that somebody thinks my work is worth their time at all – but more than once! That is like the ultimate compliment.