TMI Tuesday

Afternoon everyone *waves* Once again I forgot to put this post in my drafts and trying to format with links etc. is a pain on the iPad so erm … sorry? I do have a tag “ask the writer” which has lots of question things.

I haven’t posted anything as I completely understimated how damn tired I am so yeah no need for snazzy links there 🙂 I’m also sick, some kind of throat/ear infection, maybe a brewing cold I don’t know. I’m very impressed with myself though that I made it to week four before succumbing.

I’m rambling now but yeah basically ask me things if you like! I’m still here, none of my fics are abandoned, I’m really really behind on commenting on things but I still care very much. This is the adjustment period, that’s all. Now happy Tuesday! 🙂

P.S. I haven’t seen the latest episode yet. I’m hoping I’ll get to watch it tonight as Netflix adds it on Tuesdays!