J – Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)

Wow erm lots of things I guess. I mean you’re saying fandom but outside of gifsets it’s more awareness of the show/movie etc. I might have vaguely heard of it but obviously seeing it live and in colour makes more of an impression.

I know that’s a bit of a non-answer so I’m going back to two things I think I’ve mentioned before.

1) Farscape – I had heard of this pre-tumblr and I’d watched the first episode to try it. I decided I didn’t like it and dismissed it. Post-tumblr and all the amazing gifsets and I bought the complete boxset. I have four episodes left + the miniseries before I’ve seen everything. I never would have given it another try and discovered how entertaining it is if not for tumblr.

2) Agents of Shield – this is for fandom awareness. I loved the show pre-tumblr and tumblr couldn’t make me love it anymore because that’s simply not possible. Although saying that every time I watch it I swear I love it more – it just keeps getting better and better, but I digress. Tumblr gave me an outlet to show my love but I have just stuck to reblogging gifsets. I’ve gradually learned more about the AoS fandom and I’d love to participate but I kinda made my choice. I only have time for one fandom and I’ve made too many friends, and got too many projects, for Rumbelle to even consider walking away. Rumbelle is it for me in the fandom stakes, so I just watch AoS from afar 🙂