Random but the Strip Club prompt this month for AMR is one I submitted months ago. I saw a gifset (which I now can’t find!) of Belle looking through the boarded up windows of the library, and seeing … well Gaz I guess, but it was supposed to be Gold I think, stripping. That inspired the prompt and now I’m thinking about it and I got nothing.

Well, no that’s not true I have ideas but I don’t feel any particular pull to write them. It’s more like I want someone else to write them because I would like to read them. So I don’t entirely know what I’m going to do with that. I did have an idea for the Movie Night prompt but I’m second-guessing it. I was going to set it in The War Within verse (alternate season six) but that’s kinda very AU now so probably better not.

I guess I need to keep thinking if I’m going to write anything for May.