Honestly with every single episode I watch, I think I love Agents of Shield even more. I just watched 4.09 (I’m behind 7 episodes because of being in the UK) and I spontaneously threw up my hands once and went “Urk I love this show!” and I was on the edge of my seat, and groaning everytime it cut to commercial. Seriously, it is going from strength to strength. Unfortunately the ratings don’t agree so I’m crossing my fingers and hoping like mad it gets renewed.

If it doesn’t and Fitzsimmons don’t get a happy ending, then I swear I’m writing them one. Why do I always pick the OTP’s that hurt me? Stop tearing Fitz and Simmons apart! Even Fitz thinks that the cosmos has it out for them, Simmons told him to stop being silly of course but I think he has a point. Also, I don’t know if I ship May or Coulson or not, but I definitely like them as friends. Stop replacing May and then having cute bonding moments! It’s sad.

Sorry I just had to get that out of my system. I really love this show and like I said I swear I love it even more everytime I watch it. Please, please, please let there be a season five. I’m googling every day to see if it’s announced. ABC you are killing me here!