Well I just finished my third fic for Rumbelle Order in the Court thanks to @worryinglyinnocent. I wrote myself into a corner, and thanks to them my plot got fixed 🙂 Anyway, I still have two more ideas for that event, but the Divorce and Escorts one I’m never going to finish because it could be novel length. The other one is Lachacy Community Service which is a possibility but I’m not feeling that idea today.
However, looking at my list now and knowing I can write anything without guilt (ok there is a fair amount of guilt) I’m thinking perhaps my GoldenLace idea for next months smut Monthly Rumbelling prompt, because apparently writing things I can post isn’t a thing anymore.
Seriously, I have five finished fics and nothing to post, but hey why not make it six? At least I’m writing again, or at least I am today, the experiment lasts a week for a reason – I suck at consistency. Anyway, we have partial success so let’s go with that 🙂