Well my accidental Monthly Rumbelling fic has reached 5k and is still nowhere near done. What was I saying the other day about my brain and oneshots?
Oh and as an update on the post I made the other day, about maximizing what I could get with my gift card. I did watch Trainspotting and two of the three DVD’s arrived today. The Last Enemy and The Tournament. To End All Wars is coming tomorrow apparently and I’ll rent Summer after I’ve watched some stuff and got my “to watch” pile a bit smaller.
I’m watching the first episode of The Last Enemy now and to be honest I’m wondering why I haven’t seen it before. I’m much more into sci-fi these days but back in 2008 I was all about crime thrillers. So far RC hasn’t spoken, he’s just doing a creepy following thing. He does that well heh 🙂 I will review properly when I’ve watched more!