Fic Meme: 1 and 5, please?

Thank you! 🙂

1) What’s your personal favorite thing you wrote this year?
You’ve picked the tough questions heh. ‘Favorite’ is such an indefinable concept. I like things for different reasons, so choosing between them is hard. Fall All Over Again was my first Lacey fic and I found that I really enjoyed writing her. The Beauty and the Tragedy I wrote in a day and I feel it came out really well. I actually feel proud of it, which doesn’t happen often.

I have a real soft spot for both In Your Arms and Between Two Fires. I did a lot of worldbuilding for both of them and they feel very real to me. Then there’s Painting Layers of Love, which is something of a labor of love. I suppose ultimately, if I had to pick just one … gah this is so hard. Oh man I don’t know, I think I might have to go with Between Two Fires. It has so much potential for expansion and I just love so many aspects of it.

5) Which of your fics do you wish was more successful?
Another hard one because I don’t want to seem ungrateful. I’m always thrilled if anyone reads my fics. That being said it’s not actually the fics that are the lowest on the stats page, that I wish were more successful. Basically, I have two reasons for why I wish fics were more successful. 1) I worked really hard on it. 2) I want to write more in the same verse because I loved it, but I feel like it would probably be a waste of time.

Anyway, before season six aired, I wrote an â€˜alternate season six’ which is it’s own verse now – The War Within. On the stats page if I rank by hits it’s second, if I rank by kudos it’s 7th. Oddly a oneshot I posted this Tuesday (so 2 days ago) has more kudos, I’m still scratching my head over how that happened. I mean The War Within verse is over 100k, so I’m guessing it’s too long, or maybe because it was an ensemble piece and not just Rumbelle it doesn’t have an audience. I don’t know.

Then there’s what I would like to write more of, which funnily enough links back to the first question of â€˜favorite’ quite neatly 🙂 Between Two Fires and In Your Arms, I loved both of those so much. I guess I always hope that my love for a project will somehow come through with my words, and then readers will like it as well, but I guess what I like a lot and what readers like a lot, are two different things. It’s interesting how that happens.

Right, I have to choose. Well In Your Arms has done better than Between Two Fires, so I’m going to have to go with that again – Between Two Fires.