You know what, I give up. I have officially bitten off more than I can chew. I’ve written over 86k of Rumbelle fanfic this month, a new personal best for a months fiction total. However, my deadlines are now starting to slip all over the place. I’ve lost my writing willpower thanks to a real life thing.
Anyway, I’m not going to make the deadline for the smut prompt for this months Monthly Rumbelling. Fall All Over Again will be finished eventually, but the next two chapters (to reach the scene that includes the prompt) aren’t going to be finished for tomorrow. I just don’t have it in me, there’s 4 scenes to write and one of them is pivotal to the whole story.
What I’m going to do instead, is focus on finishing Chapter Seven of Painting Layers of Love. I’m feeling really guilty that I didn’t finish and post that last Friday. That is going to be the next thing I post. After that, I really need to work on my Rumbelle Secret Santa fic. So I’ll alternate RSS, with updating my WIP’s so they aren’t completely ignored.
I posted 19 fics/fic chapters this month. Next month about all I’m willing to promise is that I’ll post something every Tuesday. I haven’t missed a Tuesday since June I think, I’m not planning on breaking that streak if at all possible.