What hooked you on Once Upon a Time?

That’s a really bad phrase, no need to bring Hook into this after all. What I mean is what made you go “this is a show I need to watch!” and “watch all the episodes” rather than decide the show was meh and not care that much whether you saw more or not.

What made you decide to keep watching I guess?

This is in honor of the Once Upon a Time rewatch. I’m not joining in because I didn’t know it was a thing and I already started my rewatch so I’m on the second season.

They rewatched the pilot and that reminded me of when I first saw the show and what made me keep watching.

What made you like the show and keep watching past the initial episode you saw? What made you a fan?

For Me
It was last summer. I’d just got netflix, I went through the catalogue making a list of new shows to try and Once Upon a Time was one of them. I knew nothing about it but the one line netflix description but decided to give it a try. I planned on watching the pilot of a couple of different shows that evening.

Well, the show had barely been on a minute and my jaw had already dropped – the production values! Charming with his cape, on that horse with the narrow path in the lake – it was breathtaking. Then there was the true loves kiss, the interrupted wedding, it was just gorgeous to watch, never mind anything else.

So yeah, I watched another two episodes that evening and my fate was sealed. For once it wasn’t a character that provided the initial hook, it was the show itself. I was reminded of that with the finale. The land of untold stories looked incredible, there really isn’t any other show on TV (that I know about) that has sets like that. Anyway, obviously I kept on watching and at some point Rumple became my favorite character. It was early on, possibly from his very first appearance because wow didn’t he half sell it!

Interestingly enough my second favorite character is now Regina. However, I spent season one (the first time round) booing her basically. I really didn’t like her, I couldn’t see any of the complexity that I could in Rumple, I just thought she was mean and selfish etc. Well, it was episode 10 of season 2 – The Cricket Game. That welcome home party, with Emma saying that Regina seeing Henry not such a good plan, Regina’s expression was heartbreaking. I felt like Emma was being a bit petty at that point, getting her own back for when Regina had done the same to her, well now the situation was flipped and anyway I felt for Regina in that moment. Having sympathized with her once, I guess I started to understand her a little more and yeah now she is my second favorite.

What made you a fan?